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Paranormal News provided by Medium Bonnie Vent > TV ghost searcher visits Haverhill cemetery Is city's old burial ground among the 'Most Haunted'?

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7 Aug 2008


TV ghost searcher visits Haverhill cemetery Is city's old burial ground among the 'Most Haunted'?

By Mike LaBella

Staff Writer



HAVERHILL — If you plan to search for paranormal activity inthe city's oldest burial ground, who you gonna call, Ghostbusters?

Probably not. A better choice would be David Wells, a psychic and astrologer from the British paranormal television show "Most Haunted."

Wells will be in Haverhill on Saturday to look for ghostly goings on at the old Pentucket Burial Ground on Water Street, talk about his experiences on the show and chat about ghost-hunting techniques. He will be assisted by Welsh medium Gavin Cromwell, as well as Ron Kolek and trance medium Maureen Wood, who are both members of the New England Ghost Project — a paranormal group that investigates haunted locations throughout the region.

Those who register for the ghost hunt seminar, which takes place at 6 p.m. at Buttonwoods Museum, will experience what it is like to be part of the kind of investigation on "Most Haunted."

Local historian and amateur ghost hunter Thomas Spitalere said the group chose to hold this seminar at the museum because of the paranormal energy in that part of town, especially inside the old burial ground.

"It's great for the community and the nation to have people like David Wells and Gavin Cromwell come here and use their skills to help us understand what's going on in Haverhill and across the region," Spitalere said. "I'm looking forward to see what kind of paranormal energy they detect at the burial ground."

After the seminar, participants will gather at the Pentucket Burial Ground to conduct research into any paranormal activity that may be present there. Wells will use the same methods that he uses to amaze his television audience.

The burial ground was established in 1660 by Haverhill's earliest settlers. Notable names in Haverhill's history who are buried there include the Rev. John Ward, who died in 1693, Nathaniel Saltonstall, who died in 1707, and Abigail White, who died in 1730.

Cromwell and members of the New England Ghost Project will add their own special talents to the mix as the team tracks down evidence of the spirits using the latest scientific equipment.

"While at the burial ground, we'll get impressions from Wells, Cromwell and Maureen Wood, who are psychics and ghost hunters," Kolek said. "They will be using electromagnetic field meters, which are used to detect paranormal activity, and temperature sensors. Usually when paranormal activity occurs, there is a drop in temperature."

Kolek's group and Wells have been visiting haunted sites throughout New England in search of paranormal activity.


"We visited America's Stonehenge in Salem, N.H., where we detected a lot of Native American spirits," Kolek said. "We visited the Windham Restaurant where we detected a boy's spirit and a man's spirit, and we visited the Tenney Gate House in Methuen (the home of the Methuen Historical Society), where we made spiritual and psychic contact with Charles Tenney, Fannie Tenney and a brother named Nicholas."

Haverhill is a good location for hunting ghosts, Kolek said, especially the Pentucket Burial Ground. He hopes his group will detect paranormal activity there during their ghost hunt Saturday.

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