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3 Jul 2008


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Alexandra HolzerAlexandra Holzer is a member of the SCBWI Organization, Poetry.com, Firstwriters.com and IMDBpro.com. Her father is the original ghost hunter, published Author Professor Hans Holzer, Ph.D of 163 plus titles in the genres of parapsychology, the supernatural, religion and healing. Most famous for "Amityville Horror: The Possession", "Ghosts", "America's Haunted Houses" and most recently "The Journey of the Magi" and "Murder in Amityville: Fact or Fiction". While raising four incredible children, she wrote children's short stories, poetry, sci-fi/fantasy novels, screenplays and supernatural horror thrillers. Alexandra's complete bio is available here. Alexandra's new book 'Lady Ambrosia' has been Field Nominated for the Printz Award for Young Adult Literature by the American Library Association.


'Spirit Talk'

Posted: 10:00 July 2, 2008

Alexandra Holzer



Is this proof of a flying humanoid?


Seeking out the truth should not cause ill will!

With anything paranormal, I ask, please don't bicker or betray anyone. This isn't a field where 'paranormal politics' should exist. Over the past few months it has become quite apparent that many are blogging over paranormal groups, finds, what this one said that about this or that and attacking the credibility of him or her, in the paranromal field and so on. I find it absurd to waste time even discussing this so I will stop here and talk about some of the more controversial debates at hand.

The first topic on the table today is if there is a difference between being a Ghost Hunter and an Investigator of the Paranormal. The answer truly is subjective but I will highlight some points leaving you, the reader to decide.

Paranormal Investigating:

Paranormal investigation is the careful approach on any type of phenomenon that needs explanation. One must keep within respect for the witnesses, exchange of information, replace fear with knowledge and try to protect all who are involved from any physical or mental harm. Ones motivation to get into the field and become a paranormal researcher will showcase their ethics one way or the other. Here lies within the truth of whether or not a researcher exhibits good or bad behavior. Throwing EMF readers at an empty wall just won't do. This type of behavior can cause irreparable consequences when you understand the big picture. Many people look towards you as a leader and the one to keep sane throughout the duration of the investigation. One must understand the importance on how to properly investigate unexplained phenomenon and the real expectations. That is why revisiting an open case will help close it far more quicker then just walking away because on that particular visit, nothing appeared for you. On the topic of ghosts and other ghostly entities, they are intelligent and know you are coming. Perhaps that day you arrive, they don't quite feel to come out and play. It is a time consuming process but one that if gone about the correct way, will yield a healthier environment for all involved...living and deceased.

Ghost Hunting:

For me this term sounds like Deer Hunting and I can't get this image out of my mind of people chasing down ghosts crouching behind trees waiting for the right moment to strike with dowsing rods. They run by pissing on passing trees to confuse the ghost so they can take them down. Honestly, the word hunt should remain for humans and animals and not the paranormal. I would use a term more like search. Ghost Searching seems to be more scientific and respectful all the way around. There are people that stick to just dealing with ghosts and their sub-categories, which are poltergeists and multiple hauntings. They don't delve into other areas like demonology, cryptology, vampires, UFO's, Nessie, Big Foot... you get my point. Personally for me I feel that if one is going to truly open themselves up to the field of attempting to explain the unexplainable, then wouldn't it behoove us to be open to it all? Why take a bit here and there and leave the rest alone when you can educate yourself, your team and gaggles of people on the realism that we are just one small piece to a grander puzzle. Our universe is an endless dark mass of the unknown that reaches far beyond one's comprehension.

 Our ocean beds lie deep and buried beneath layers of time and secrets. Incredible masses of creatures roamed our land and swam under our seas taking with them much of what we are still trying to rediscover today, using modern advances in technology. I am still fascinated on how the pyramids were built when one understands fully what they went through stone by stone. I look up at my rooftop, only two stories up and sigh as if it were the tallest structure ever built. Everything around me constantly amazes me and to be closed up and 'stuck' like a ghost just wouldn't seem fitting or constructive to the field itself. I do think we need experts in all different areas and so there I can arguably agree why some study one or two topics and that is it. Overall my point is meant for all the groups that have sprung up like a leak around the globe just getting started.



Take the time to do the research and understand that it takes just as much time to gather evidence and documentation as it does to understand what you're witnessing. Oh there are times when you walk into a very active place and leave there filled with 'haunting evidence' but it isn't the norm and so one must carry the burden of having to be patient, respectful and courageous to keep ghost searching.

I encourage people to always make their own judgments regarding organizations and anything else related to the field of the paranormal. It is not for me to throw stones, cast judgment or be a know-it-all. I am just one being placed here on earth for a short amount of time to hopefully leave behind a legacy for my children and their children. In an effort to be fair and civil, I avoid specific criticism as best as I can but I do get a bit heated when it comes to solving spiritual mysteries. It rides close to home and I must stand up for what I instinctively believe in.

Always keep learning and evolving, as that is the best gift you can give yourself, your team and loved ones. This is a rule of life that applies to the paranormal which folks...is really quite normal. The supernatural is as nature had intended it to be...simply natural in it's true form and that is the 'super' part.

Always be well-Alexandra Holzer


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