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3 Jul 2008


Witches brave the fires of scepticism


Andrew Daddo, far right, hosts The One: The Search for
Australia's Most Gifted Psychic.

Andrew Daddo, far right, hosts The One: The Search for Australia's Most Gifted Psychic.

Photo: Supplied

A new show pits the psychics against science. By Lou Robson.

POSSESSION of supernatural powers has always made for popular entertainment. Tales of mystical beings, spirits and magical powers entertained our ancestors but once religion claimed a monopoly on miracles, what couldn't be understood was feared and punished. And the public got to denounce their neighbours and enjoy the spectacle of witches being horribly tortured and put to death.

English statutes against witchcraft were repealed in 1736 and public executions are no longer sanctioned as entertainment, at least not in Australia, but Channel Seven has devised an alternative ordeal � a televised quest for Australia's top psychic.

Seven contestants � mediums, psychics, clairvoyants, a "medical intuitive" and a witch � undergo tests to prove their paranormal abilities.

They have to find a lost boy in the bush with a bit of help from his teddy, examine memorabilia from celebrities and deduce who they belong to, and find contraband inside a shipping container.

Using the good cop-bad cop formula loved by reality TV, two judges � Richard Saunders, vice-president of the Australian Skeptics, and Stacey Demarco, a practising witch and author � decide each week who stays or goes until three contestants are left. The winner will be chosen by a public vote.

After 10 years of dealing critically with the paranormal, Saunders, who helped devise the challenges, has yet to be convinced.

The Australian Skeptics offers a $100,000 prize to anyone who can prove the existence of the paranormal; its US counterpart, the James Randi Educational Foundation offers $US1 million ($A1.04 million). Both groups are still waiting for someone to take their money.

Saunders' role is to provide a scientific explanation for what the contestants do � and point out certain odds and probabilities.

"My role is being a sceptical judge, someone who can size up the contestants and give a rational explanation for what they do. I'm a pretty tough judge because I'm looking for definite psychic or paranormal happenings," Saunders says.

"It's not set out to be a Mythbusters type of program. It's difficult because I'm involved.

"Normally on these shows they have a token sceptic � and I've been one. One of the things about this show is that I get to put my point of view."

A veteran sceptic, Saunders is unconvinced by readings and demonstrations. But, he says, there are very few shonks out there and credits most psychics as dedicated, hard-working and sincere.

"A lot of people sincerely believe that they have psychic powers," Saunders says. "A lot of them have actually been using a technique called 'cold reading' which is a psychological technique used to get information out of people. And that's very interesting because that can often fool the psychic and the person being read. That's not to say they aren't sincere in their belief."

Stacey Demarco, who teaches metaphysics and has written books on how to apply witchcraft in the boardroom and the bedroom, is the believing panellist.

"I'm a rational type of expert, I'm not the purple tie-dye type of witch. I just want people to come into this with a really open mind. It's not a circus act or an act of any kind.

"The contestants are normal people, they've got husbands, wife, kids, pets, a house in the suburbs and they are considered weirdos, freaks, satanists just because they have these abilities."

Only a couple of episodes have been shot but, Demarco says, the show lives up to its billing that it will make "hairs stand up on end".

"There's already a number of moments when you can hear the audience go 'Aaaaaaaahhhhhh' � there's been an intake of air.

"I walk around the audience and even the people who have been sitting on the fence have said 'that person freaked me out'."

Demarco rates the challenges highly: "Richard set the parameters and he's setting very scientific guidelines."

He's also been teaching her how to bend spoons.

"I'm looking for proof, too. In my studies I'm pretty aware of what's faking. What I'm looking for is similar results."

But her sympathies are with the contestants operating under TV spotlights.

"You're asking them to perform in a fear-charged environment, so I'm looking to translate that to the audience."

The avuncular Andrew Daddo hosts the show, and Demarco was impressed by the respect shown by all involved.

"When I was approached to go on the show I was expecting something very tabloid, very exploitative but they came at it very respectfully, very scientifically. We're going to tell the truth and they've gone to a lot of trouble to make this thing a quality production."

"Even though Richard comes across with the scientific stuff, my job is to translate how these people get the messages and what they do, this is their process. For example � this person is using psychometry that's just as scientific."

The One: The Search for Australia's Most Gifted Psychic premieres Tuesday at 7.30pm on Seven.


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