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6 Jun 2008


'Ghost hunters' arrested for trespassing at Magic Landing Amusement Park


June 5, 2008 04:51 PM PDT


June 6, 2008 11:16 AM PDT

Carmen Salazar
Carmen Salazar

Felipe Ochoa
Felipe Ochoa

John Carrillo
John Carrillo

Rene Nunez
Rene Nunez

Gerardo Santoyo
Gerardo Santoyo



EL PASO, Texas - Six people were arrested early Thursday morning at the Magic Landing Amusement Park. The group was apparently 'ghost hunting' on the grounds of the abandoned park.

Someone in the area called police after they saw flashing lights coming from the grounds.

According to deputies, they heard noises and light coming from different areas inside the park. After they realized they were alone, all the suspects began running toward their cars, but deputies quickly caught up with them, investigators sadi.

Five men and one woman were arrested and charged with criminal trespassing.

The suspects are Jorge Montoya, 17, Gerardo Santoyo, 18, Felipe Ochoa, 23, Carmen Salazar, 17, Rene Nunez, 21, and John Carrillo, 20. (Montoya is pictured on KVIA.com's homepage.)

Magic Landing is private property that is surrounded by a fence and signs posted "No Trespassing."

In April, Sheriff Deputies, along with several volunteer Fire Departments, were called to the same property in reference to an Arson Fire that caused an estimated $485,000 worth of damage.

Property owners advised Sheriff Deputies they would file charges against anyone else caught on their properties without their consent.


google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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