Bonnie Vent, Research Medium and owner of San Diego Paranormal Research Project will be appearing on "X" Zone Radio Show" with Rob Mc Connell on November 1, 2007 from 9:00-10:00pm Pacific Time.
1.What is it like to be a “spirit advocate” and work for spirits on the “other side”?
2.Why do you call what you do a conversation as opposed to channeling?
3.The Hotel Del Coronado case- Spirit person claims she is not Kate Morgan. Research shows that she might be telling the truth and the legend is completely wrong. See press release and video for details. How does this research work?
4.“Most Haunted” investigation at Whaley House. What is really going on with that house? Once again legends are busted. Yankee Jim Robinson was not hung on the grounds before the house was built. According to the San Diego Historical Society he was hung in the Plaza aka Town Square. The round man with the big mustache that Derek Acorah referred to might have been Philip Crosthwaite who was Thomas Whaley’s business partner. Thomas Whaley tells me that he could have prevented Yankee Jim Robinson’s death and has regrets about it. Based upon historical evidence he could have had an influence since his business partner Philip Crosthwaite helped arrest and hang Yankee Jim Robinson. So at Whaley House you have one spirit person haunting another.
5.Do you think the methods used by the Ghost Hunter community will ever prove “Life after Death”?
6.Since you work with celebrities in your day job as a personal appearance agent, are you ever contacted by celebrities when they cross over?
Examples: Charles Nelson Reilly, Steve Irwin, John Ritter, Peter James