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Conrad Murray Hearing and Trial

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123 posts
Aug 22, 2010
2:25 PM
Dear Fellow Boarders,

I just wanted to remind us all to mentally accompany CARMEN with as much LOVE and LIGHT as possible tomorrow to the court rooms in L.A., where the hearing Conrad Murray will take place.

To FOCUS LOVE and LIGHT on the OUTCOME of the TRUTH and have JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL and those who follow and to BREAK THROUGH CORRUPTION in these COURT rooms whoever and whatever will be concerned and discussed tomorrow.


Carmen, thank you to be there tomorrow and report us later.
Take all the LOVE and LIGHT with yourself and take it into the court rooms as well.

I will light some candles additionally and especially for this hearing.

It is all for L.O.V.E.

Thank you.



Last Edited by on Aug 22, 2010 2:27 PM
412 posts
Aug 22, 2010
3:03 PM
Thank you very much, Ute, for your loving words and support. I will be thinking of all of you. I don't know if I will be lucky enough to gain access to the court room itself and observe the proceedings as I managed to the last time, but I'm going to be present at this event just the same. I'll keep an open mind in terms of what the day's events bring. I'll take photographs with my digital camera and I'll bring my camcorder. I'll take a note pad with me as well just in case I get inside the court room again. Lightning rarely strikes twice, so I don't assume anything, but I'll go prepared anyway.

With love,
124 posts
Aug 22, 2010
4:21 PM
Hi Carmen,

glad to hear from you.

What time the hearing is to take place? So we can focus still better.

I want to add, whatever will happen or how everything will feel - the spirit helpers as well as Michael will be there.

I´d like to share with all of you, but especially with you Carmen, because you will be on spot, that tomorrow there will be very, very strong and high energies. Recall this please whatever will be so you will keep up this high level inside of you and arround you.
You just need to recall, one thought - that is all and it will be floating constantly.
And we all can also stay connected with it doing it the same way.
While I am writing I try to lay this energy into these words with all of my heart and I hope it comes across.
It is not my energy. I just want to share what came to me.
I am convinced that you Carmen as well as our fellow boarders feel it.

Take everything you need with you.

Thank you again for being on spot.

And thank you so much Bonnie again and again providing us this place
where we can learn and work in this wonderful way of Love, respecting and accepting one another for who we are.

With L.O.V.E

and God bless you all.


Last Edited by on Aug 22, 2010 4:23 PM
413 posts
Aug 22, 2010
5:13 PM
Hello Ute. The hearing is scheduled for 12:30 PM Los Angeles time. At that time, proceedings will begin.

I'm sure Michael was there last time, on June 14th, in spirit. I'm sure he'll be there tomorrow. His dear mother and father were there last time, and they will surely be there again tomorrow. His family and fans will be there - all those who can be. I know the others who cannot be physically there will be present in mind and spirit.

I would start the focusing and thought process as of 12:00 PM, Ute, and then really focus at 12:30, which is when things begin.

And yes, thank you Bonnie, for giving us a lovely and very special 'home.'

Much love,
89 posts
Aug 22, 2010
9:22 PM
Fortunately I have the day off tomorrow, and will be able to do a healing meditation around 12:00, uninterrupted.

Much love & thanks to you Carmen, for again representing us all by your presence at the courthouse tomorrow.

'Thy will be done' ~
415 posts
Aug 22, 2010
9:39 PM
Thank you for your kind words of support, Chaturi. :)

~"On earth as it is in Heaven"~
126 posts
Aug 22, 2010
10:04 PM
Hi Carmen,

thank you for pointing out the time.

Yes, I will focus especially your suggested time.
And Chaturi, if you do not mind I would like to join your healing meditation al least for some time.
This is wonderful thought.


Last Edited by on Aug 22, 2010 10:05 PM
140 posts
Aug 23, 2010
5:25 AM
Carmen I will send positive thoughts. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.
Directing love, light, and positive energy your way and to the Court room!

With love Carmen,


Last Edited by on Aug 23, 2010 5:29 AM
591 posts
Aug 23, 2010
9:05 AM
Hi Everyone,

Let's please support Carmen and Michael. Focus your light on the best possible outcome for justice.

Please be peaceful and strong as steel.

Blessings to you all and thank you Carmen for being the eyes and ears for us all.

91 posts
Aug 23, 2010
11:41 AM
...and WE thought that today would be the preliminary hearing. Here we go again. More delay tactics, it seems. I knew this was possible, but was hopeing the hearing would finally be today.

I'll still be doing the meditation @ 12:00 pst, of course.
127 posts
Aug 23, 2010
12:15 PM

They try, BUT will not succeed!!

It is a delay, But it will not help it!!

Conrad Murray is full of fear and near to tell the truth.
This is how I feel about it.
Therefore the delay and the attempt to find something to turn the story.

So let us focus on the closest possible date to reach the REAL outcome!!

Let us go on in Michael´s and all the other´s names!!


Chaturi, I will join the meditation now!!

Michael once said (from sense):"The only thing I learned from you is to
keep follow and stick with my way, with my truth."
(I need to look that up again.)


92 posts
Aug 23, 2010
12:46 PM
Well said, Ute!!

Thanks ~
593 posts
Aug 23, 2010
1:05 PM

New court dates

Next hearing October 26 with a preliminary trial date of January 4th, 2011.

128 posts
Aug 23, 2010
1:45 PM
Hi Bonnie, hi everyone,

thank you for posting the new court dates, Bonnie.

I just returned from meditation.
There was so much Light energy and Love, such a power... .

Even if I should repeat myself - I want to tell you again how glad I am to be on this board and that we share our experience and can work and support one another in spirit as well as where help is needed.
This is still rare.

Thank you again Carmen for being at the courthouse.

And Bonnie thank you too again for everything.

93 posts
Aug 23, 2010
2:33 PM
Actually I'm not surprised at all about the delay, as I just remembered we're in 'Mercury retrograde', astrologically speaking)which in my experience often causes delays and/or miscommunications. It could be that the October date will be more suitable and advantageous in ways we can't see right now.

The trial date of 01/04/2011 has three 1's.

130 posts
Aug 23, 2010
3:06 PM
Hi Bonnie,

thank you for posting this article so quickly so we are informed.

Hi Chaturie,

yes this might be the case for the delay always keeping in mind that there are energies that do not want the truth to come out.
Many people will lose a lot I think.

But we´ll make it all together.

Thank you

417 posts
Aug 23, 2010
4:37 PM
Greetings to everyone and thank you all for sending positive energy and thoughts my way! Here's a brief report:

I didn't make it inside the court house. I almost did, but the lady picking the numbers slightly pulled the matching number ticket only to put it back and chose another one, as I was standing right behind her and could see which tickets were being pulled as she pulled them from an envelope. However, I did manage to make it upstairs to the 9th floor, as the general public is allowed up there, and I did see Katherine, Joe, Rebbe and Randy enter the court. I caught Katherine and possibly Joe on camera as I stood near the entrance to the court house outside. I also managed to get a few great interviews this time around, which was something I really wanted to do last time but couldn't due to the extremely high noise levels from both protests taking place.

I'll assemble the interviews and photographs tonight and tomorrow and post them ASAP, along with a few personal notes. I managed to personally talk to and interview Mr. Eddie Jones, who gave me his business card in addition to his time. I spoke to and interviewed a couple of people who met Michael and spent time at Neverland Ranch, and who vouch very strongly and favorable for his strength of character. All of that is on camcorder footage and will be assembled.

I would have liked to see more MJ fans and supporters outside, but I know not everyone can be there. The only reason I could be present for this event is because I'm on vacation for the next two weeks.

So, thank you to ALL of you who sent positive energy my way. God gave me a different experience this time, and I am very grateful for it. It balances the experience I had the last time. :)

Much love and a group hug from Carmen with the aching feet (I wore pretty gold leather wedge heel shoes today to look pretty in my white dress, but I'm paying a price for my vanity),
~Journalist Carmen~
596 posts
Aug 23, 2010
5:25 PM
Hi Carmen,

It sounds like an amazing experience. I look forward to your videos and pictures.

Thx so much for taking the time out of your vacation to be on site.

131 posts
Aug 23, 2010
6:45 PM
Hi Carmen,

great experience I think too!
It must have been very exciting.

I am also looking forward to your report.

And also big thank for everxthing:

Reader Ute
319 posts
Aug 23, 2010
9:11 PM
I was with everyone and with Michael in my thoughts this past afternoon.

And Carmen,
So lucky to have you with us here.
Looking forward as well to the details of your experience at the courthouse today.
Thank you in advance for taking on this endeavor and sharing all with us.
You are a trooper.


Last Edited by on Aug 24, 2010 11:35 AM
6 posts
Dec 17, 2010
1:45 PM
I hope this sheds a little more light on these 'other' doctors.
813 posts
Dec 22, 2010
12:01 PM
Jackson's doctor wins extra hearing

Last Updated: December 22, 2010 10:48am

Lawyers representing Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray have won an extra court hearing to ask for medical items found in the late star's bedroom to undergo vigorous testing as they battle to clear the physician's name.

The medic has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter following the singer's tragic death last year and he is expected to go on trial in 2011.

A coroner ruled Jackson died of cardiac arrest brought on by an overdose of anaesthetic Propofol, and Murray's lawyers want two syringes and an IV bag, found at the star's Californian home, to be tested to determine the amount of drugs they contained.

Defence attorney, J. Michael Flanagan, argued in legal papers filed in a California court last Friday, "An essential fact in this case is not only how much Propofol was in Michael Jackson's body but how it was put into his body."

A judge has now granted the request for an extra hearing to decide whether the items should be sent back to the laboratory, according to the Associated Press.

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will hear the arguments on Dec. 29, just days before Murray is due in court for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 4 to determine whether he will stand trial.

Last Edited by on Dec 22, 2010 12:04 PM
674 posts
Dec 28, 2010
8:21 PM
Thank you for the updates, Bonnie.

823 posts
Dec 29, 2010
9:16 AM

Conrad Murray to Prosecutor: So Whatcha Got?

Dr. Conrad Murray's preliminary hearing in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case ... set for next Tuesday ... will be a one-sided affair, because TMZ has learned Murray's side won't utter a peep.


Sources connected with Murray's defense tell TMZ Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, will be there to listen -- not to ask questions.  Specifically, when the prosecution lays out its case, Chernoff will be looking for holes and inconsistencies.

As TMZ first reported, the prosecution will call approximately 30 witnesses, including experts and LAPD detectives, to establish Murray acted recklessly in fueling MJ with Propofol the day he died.

It's a very good bet the judge will order Murray to stand trial ... judges rarely dismiss charges after a preliminary hearing.  So there's no point in Murray's lawyer playing his hand.


562 posts
Dec 29, 2010
3:05 PM
Thank you for keeping us updated, Bonnie.

According to the law here in the United States, Murray will be considered innocent until proven guilty; that will be the guideline stressed by the judge should a trial date be set and a trial begin with jurors selected. He is considered innocent in the eyes of the law and courts until proven otherwise.

The Defense does not have to lift a finger to prove anything; the burden of proof lies with the Prosecution.

I know what questions I personally would ask if I were the Prosecution. I also know what witnesses I would be interested in talking to.

827 posts
Dec 30, 2010
11:09 AM

Click here to find out more!

Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Refused To Recognize Coroner's Declaration In Michael Jackson Death

Posted on Dec 29, 2010 @ 12:05PM  


Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney appeared in a Los Angeles courtroom Wednesday afternoon to appeal to the LA County Coroner to perform tests on forensic evidence in the criminal case surrounding Michael Jackson’s death – but refused to recognize the coroner’s declaration at the judge’s request, RadarOnline.com has learned.

District Attorney

Dave Walgren countered, asking the defense to acknowledge that the Coroner might destroy the evidence in question during the testing.


"I'm not going to litigate the facts. The defense seems to be operating under the guise that Michael Jackson killed himself,” Walgren said Wednesday during the court hearing.

“They won't come out and say that, but that is where they are headed."

Walgren didn’t object to testing, he just asked that it be done correctly and that a chain of custody be placed for the evidence.

Judge Pastor told Murray’s attorney, Michael Flanagan, any order he would sign off on must include that the defense acknowledges certain elements of the coroner's declaration.

Flanagan was not ready to make that concession yet.

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Murray’s attorneys say the fluid testing is urgent before the evidence deteriorates. Prosecutors are asking the doctor’s attorneys be given only half the residue in the syringes and will only agree to the testing if it’s done correctly.

Murray plead not guilty to involuntary manslaughter for allegedly injecting Jackson with drugs the night he died.

Despite media reports that there would be 20 witnesses called for the preliminary hearing, the DA said it would be approximately 35 witnesses.

Murray did not appear in court Wednesday for the hearing.

563 posts
Dec 30, 2010
2:17 PM
Thank you again, Bonnie, for the update! The link to "Michael Jackson/Conrad Murray Hearing Notes 12/29/10 is not working. I get a 404 message. It may have been moved or taken down. :(


Hi Carmen, I have fixed the link. My error!

Last Edited by on Dec 30, 2010 3:30 PM
564 posts
Dec 30, 2010
2:20 PM
Regarding Murray's attorney's refusing to acknowledge the Coroner's report, I'm not surprised. There seems to be a pattern of refusing to acknowledge Coroners, paramedics, etc., when it comes to Murray and his Defense. Murray refused to acknowledge the paramedics' report or statement that Michael was flatlined, and that they wanted to pronounce him dead on arrival. Murray insisted on continuing CPR on a dead man! Murray even refused to sign the Death Certificate at UCLA! Incredible! Now his Defense wants to dispute the Coroner's findings. Okay. This is going to get very, very interesting.

Last Edited by on Dec 30, 2010 2:21 PM
686 posts
Jan 03, 2011
8:30 AM
Hi Everyone,

I think it is good to keep this thread at the top to help us stay focused on a positive outcome here for Michael and to maintain our conviction that JUSTICE will see the light for all who have suffered at the hands of a corrupt system and corrupt individuals.

This is the broader issue here and I hope that these corrupt systems will disintegrate WITHIN THE NEW ENERGY. My hope is that this will also happen in the broader arena of the business and judicial systems,if we stay focused in the frame of mind of the TRUTH COMING TO LIGHT.

Thank you so much for this thread and the suggestions above.


edited to add:
Thank you everyone for setting your minds in the positive intent, which is much needed here.

Last Edited by on Jan 03, 2011 10:09 AM
100 posts
Jan 03, 2011
5:52 PM
Hi Bonnie and gang,

Thank you Bonnie for adding the Michael was not suicidal video and post, and the one about Prince not testifying.

It is very confusing Bonnie. I swear these reporters are related to the weather men. They have an awful time making up their mind if it's going to happen or not. One internet site says he will testify and others say he won't. I guess we will find out for sure tomorrow.

All these sites say Michael will testify:


Website above: Michael Jackson's oldest son Prince Michael may be asked to testify in a Los Angeles court Tuesday, RadarOnline.com has learned.


Sunday January 2,2011
By Mike Parker

AT least one of Michael Jackson’s three children may face gruelling courtroom questions over the events surrounding their father’s death.


Prince Michael, 13, is likely to be called by defense lawyers for Conrad Murray.


URL above: Michael Jackson’s eldest son, Prince Michael, may testify. Posted: January 3, 2011 by david82165 in News

I guess we are just going to have to wait until tomorrow.



168 posts
Jan 03, 2011
7:54 PM
The 'Good' Dr. Treacy may be one of the docs testifying in this hearing, which is a very comforting thought.

Even if Prince is not called to testify now, I suspect he would still be called to testify in the actual trial down the road.

35 posts
Jan 03, 2011
8:53 PM
Informative thread. Where did the thread..which I thought was *this* thread...go with all the great notes from inside the courtrrom on the dates and the great videos?

579 posts
Jan 03, 2011
9:44 PM
Hi Lynne. I've bumped the video coverage thread from August for you. I'll see if I can find the other thread covering the June 14th hearing.

Hi marleneho. My personal interpretation of what appears to be conflicting information is this: January 4, 2011 will be the beginning of what may be a 3 week PRELIMINARY HEARING. This hearing allow the Prosecution to present it's case before Judge Pastor. NONE OF MICHEAL'S FAMILY WILL BE CALLED UPON TO TESTIFY AT THIS TIME AND AT THIS HEARING.

Once the actual trial itself begins, I'm sure some of Michael's family members will be called upon to testify, and if Prince Michael witnessed his fathers death or CPR 'efforts' on the part of Conrad Murray, he will most likely have to give testimony.

We must make the distinction here between the PRELIMINARY TRIAL and the trial itself.

That's my personal take.

Dearest Ute, I will do what I can to honor your request.

I have to call it a night. A dedicated fan on the SONY site spoke to the some type of official spokesperson for the court house who stated that the preliminary trial is actually set to start at 8:30 AM, and that Judge Pastor's schedule will be based on an 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM type of schedule for this hearing. I do not know how accurate this information is as I have not verified it. I planned on being down town by around 8:30 AM, but I may have to arrive a good hour earlier if that is the actual time frame. The lottery drawing of tickets takes place about 45 minutes to an hour before the hearing begins, from my previous 2 experiences.

Wish me luck!

With love and high hopes for a productive, supportive, informative and powerful day tomorrow.


Last Edited by on Jan 03, 2011 9:46 PM
37 posts
Jan 03, 2011
10:20 PM
I had overlooked the thread in question that you bumped for me - Thanks.
I do wish you Luck tomorrow!!
All things aside you do take wonderful unbiased notes and I Thank You for that!

Take Care Everyone*
269 posts
Jan 03, 2011
10:29 PM
Hi Bonnie,

thank you for keeping us posted.

Hi Carmen,

thank you so much for considering my, Michael´s wish respectively.
I hope D. Wiesner will be there.
I also do wish you luck and success on the whole line.
And thank you again for all that you do for Michael, I know he appreciates it as well as for all that everybody does for him from their pure heart to support and help him.

844 posts
Jan 04, 2011
10:07 AM

'This Is It' Producer -- Star Witness in MJ Prelim

Michael Jackson's producer/director for the "This Is It" tour will be a star witness for the prosecution in Dr. Conrad Murray's preliminary hearing which begins today  ... sources tell TMZ.


Our sources tell us ... Kenny Ortega will testify that on June 19, 2009 -- a week before MJ died -- Michael complained he was cold, had the shakes and was unable to perform ... so the rehearsal was canceled.

The next day -- June 20 -- an emergency meeting was held at Michael's home.  Kenny Ortega, several big wigs from AEG, Michael, and Dr. Conrad Murray were present.  We're told the meeting was "intense, loud and argumentative."  Kenny read Michael the riot act, imploring him to take better care of himself because the tour was imminent.  

Ortega will testify, during the meeting, Dr. Murray said some "terrible things," showing a lack of concern and respect for Michael.  Our sources would not reveal specifics, but we're told it's "damaging" to Murray.

Sources say rehearsals were canceled on June 21 and 22 so Michael could regain his strength. Ortega will testify ... when rehearsals resumed on June 23 and 24 -- the day before Jackson died -- Michael did a complete turnaround, wowing the backup dancers and others present with his moves and singing.

Ortega's testimony is important, because prosecutors will argue MJ was fine before Murray began pumping him with drugs the day he died.

845 posts
Jan 04, 2011
10:37 AM

Full interview with Thomas Mesereau on MSNBC

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

262 posts
Jan 04, 2011
11:19 AM
God bless you Tom Mesereau!!!

Thanks for keeping us informed Bonnie. Love, Jane
263 posts
Jan 04, 2011
11:43 AM
Found this on another MJ web site, MJJ 777 and felt I should share it. This shows it is clear MJ could not have given himself more propofol and demonstrates Dr. Murray's negligence.



Bonnie I hope it is okay I posted this here.

Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2011 1:34 PM
102 posts
Jan 04, 2011
12:04 PM
Hi Carmen,

Thank you for reminding me about the Preliminary hearing/actual trial difference.

A PRELIMINARY HEARING is to determine whether Dr. Conrad Murrey is to stand trial and if the actual trial should take place...I think.



P.S. I wanted to thank you Bonnie, and Jane for your informative videos. I have not seen them before.

Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2011 12:12 PM
103 posts
Jan 04, 2011
6:28 PM
Hi all,

I hope that the prosecution will pursue additional questions concerning the defense theory. They could go beyond that theory and concentrate on the other facts, which I haven't heard them talking about in the news.

This is the defense theory according to Court watchers: "Murray's lawyers will testify they believe Jackson awoke and gave himself the lethal amount of propofol while Murray was out of the room.”

Why aren't I hearing about prosecutors going beyond the defense theory to ask:

1."if" the defense theory were correct, (which it is not) then wouldn't Murray still be guilty of manslaughter because he left the room and left the propofol where a disoriented Michael could get at it if he woke up?

2. Murray, a CARTEOLOGEST improperly resuscitated Michael (which the prosecution did bring up in opening statements) with one hand on the bed instead of a hard surface, which would insure Michael’s death.

3. Stopping resuscitation to call for Prince and…

4. The fact that Murray left the room when Michael was under a dangerous drug. Murray knew the characteristics of this drug as a Dr..
This, along with a million other things that weren't reported in the opening statement that would prove Murray's guilt. Maybe the media just isn't reporting everything concerning the opening statement yet. It makes me nervous.

Near the bottom of this URL that Bonnie added I got the opening statment Info (thank you Bonnie)and some other sights I found when googling the opening statment.

Oh, thank you Bonnie, I refreshed the page and two more post from you came on. I see the "Time line" now. Thanks, that answers a lot of my questions.




Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2011 6:43 PM
584 posts
Jan 04, 2011
7:42 PM
Thank you Bonnie for all these updates. I'm reading them now that I'm home. I really do appreciate it, as I don't use a Blackberry and don't "Tweet." When I go to the Murray court hearings, the news updates are blocked out as far as my own world is concerned - unless I can overhear information from fellow MJ fans and supporters around me.

I will edit my camcorder footage ASAP. I woke up this morning knowing today was going to be a long and busy day. Meeting and touching Katherine's hand was the highlight for me. I've seen her before, of course, and I knew she must have an inner strength about her. Today, I saw and felt a gentleness combined with that inner strength.

The second highlight would be the banner flying high in the sky around the court house in several loops with the message "No Justice, No peace" and Michael's image on it, which I saw while court was in recess for lunch break (around 12:45-12:50 PM). MJ fans must have collected money and spent it to get this type of thing done.

The third highlight was the wonderful, candid and relaxed conversation I had with a fellow MJ fan and supporter named Gloria. She was a true gem. I really liked talking to that lovely and sweet lady.

One of the best things Joe Jackson ever did was marry Katherine Jackson. He found himself a very good woman. She has a very nice presence about her - and that remains true despite what one can only imagine she must be feeling and thinking when entering the court house and walking down that long corridor, knowing the reasons why she's there and the horrible pain she must be enduring.

If "grace under pressure" is the definition of class, Katherine Jackson has it in spades.

I'm going to check in to the Sony site briefly to say "Hello" to the folks there who are waiting to hear from me, and then I'm going to upload and try to edit my video coverage this evening.

Much love,

P.S. I posted this on the Sony site and meant to share it here as well: I also have a hard copy of "Media Rules for the Conrad Murray Hearing" which I will scan and post a link to. I checked with an Officer of the Court or Sheriff's Deputy to see if sharing this information, which was handed to all media personnel attending today's hearing, with Michael's fans online would be a problem or against the law. He said it's not a problem at all. Why did I ask him this question? Because sometimes what goes on in court or in a court house is supposed to stay in a court or court house. Someone from the press had left this important (to some of us!) piece of paper lying around, and I found it and thought the information it contained was worth sharing. It also gives the general guidelines concerning the hearing start times.

Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2011 8:02 PM
104 posts
Jan 04, 2011
8:21 PM
Hi everyone! Tough day today.

I had two-things that I have not been able to get off my chest about the trial. More actually - but, these two I want to bring up at this time.
#1 Karen Faye said in ABC interview that the reason why MJ had so many different changes of clothes in each dance number in TII - is because he could not get through even one-dance. This is not what it sounded like from Kenny O today.

I just want to know . . .why the hell can't anyone in Michael's life EVER see the same thing and tell the same story even though they were all there at the same time and with the same man - Michael. It is just so dang frustrating to me and I just have had my fill of it. Poor Michael! I have never seen anything like this for anyone else in my life! (Sorry for anger - but, I am really hurting again tonight over how this man did NOT deserve this - ANY OF THIS - from ANY ONE! The ironic and very sad thing is . . . the ONLY thing that EVERY ONE ALWAYS tells the same story about Michael - is how damn GOOD HE WAS TO THEM! So very sad).

#2 What has happened to those security tapes and why is no one being asked about this. I know it is early on - but, wouldn't security and the body guards be the ones to ask?

And, finally I wanted to share something with y'all that happened on twitter today. I was tweeting with several MJ Fans about how people should follow the money! I actually tweeted this myself and others were as well. Anyway, at that moment a very old tweet from Randy Jackson popped up in our discussion. It was the one about Randy saying that Michael's work make $1-billion last year.
People were saying, "that is old tweet" "darn twitter" . But, then it occurred to me - that "Old tweet" about the MONEY did not show up there by accident. Just wondered if Michael had a hand in this.

Ok - just kind of roaming around tonight trying to work but, having bad concentration. I hated so many of the things I heard today. I have not cried that hard and that much over this in a while.

Bonnie and everyone - so sorry for the profanity. However, I hope you don't remove it Bonnie because I NEVER CURSE and I really mean it tonight.

Love to all - especially Bonnie and Happy New Year!


Last Edited by on Jan 04, 2011 8:26 PM
586 posts
Jan 04, 2011
8:29 PM
Here's the link to the "Media Rules for the Conrad Murray Hearing" document:


I want to repeat that I was told directly by an Officer or Deputy that I could post a scan of this document and share it. The document will give you the guidelines that the media must follow per the court.

105 posts
Jan 04, 2011
11:58 PM
I thought of one other thing that I wanted to ask about that I can't quit running over and over in my mind;

They said that Michael was already cold to the touch when the ambulance arrived. However, LaToya has said in interviews that when she took Michael's children in to see him - he was still warm. Is there something about hospital working on him that I don't understand?

105 posts
Jan 05, 2011
12:18 AM
Hi Sunflower,

I am sorry to hear that you're so upset. I have been upset all day too. In a way...it is like going through feelings after Michael's death all over again.

I also remember when Karen Faye said Michael could not get through even one dance. I do not understand that. The Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) gave interviews after Michaels death attesting to his fitness, training and endurance. I feel it really does depend on who you talk to in order to determine if Michael was fit for the stage or not.

Carmen said something pertaining to the confusion we all have over Michael's behavior in her post under the “Dieter Wiesner - Interview about Michael” tread. Her post made a lot of since to me.

It went like this:

“I do not take any one person's experience or view of Michael as the final word and gospel, so to speak. Painting a picture of Michael Jackson, or any other human being, requires the 'human paint brushes' of many different people, each with their own view of that person and their own experiences with that person, which provides the individual 'brush strokes' that ultimately make up that painting.”

End of Carmen’s Quote.

That is probably why there are so many discrepancies concerning the reporting of Michael's physical and mental condition. Interestingly enough, Michael, as well as everyone else reacts to different situations and people differently.

Sunflower, I send my love, and wishes of peace, and grace your way during this difficult time,


Last Edited by on Jan 05, 2011 12:24 AM
106 posts
Jan 05, 2011
8:25 AM
Sunflower, you asked a very good question.


They said that Michael was already cold to the touch when the ambulance arrived. However, LaToya has said in interviews that when she took Michael's children in to see him - he was still warm. Is there something about hospital working on him that I don't understand?

I did some checking on body temperature by searching Google and most sites report this information across the board.


"After the heart stops beating, the body immediately starts turning cold. This phase is known as algor mortis, or the death chill. Each hour, the body temperature falls about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.83 degrees Celsius) until it reaches room temperature."

The fact that the Hospital breifly started Michael's heart could be a factor, although I did not read evidence of Michael's heart being restarted in Sally Arthy's court notes Bonnie posted. I remember reading it from several reliable sources similar to the site below.


Also most hospitals heat their blankets and could have used other means to try to warm the body up to aid in circulation purposes somehow.
This would be my very uneducated guess off the top of my head.


689 posts
Jan 05, 2011
9:00 AM
Interesting comment reported above by TMZ about Murray NOT knowing CPR???

Also interesting transcript from the FOX blog above of Kenny Ortega's comments. One stand out for me is that the doctor told Kenny not to decide when Michael is feeling not well enough to rehearse. Interesting that the doctor sounds as though he was put in a position of a henchman . Hmmmm...

Some of Kenny Ortega's testimony does seem to mirror what was written by Leonard Rowe.

Last Edited by on Jan 05, 2011 9:00 AM
853 posts
Jan 05, 2011
9:43 AM
854 posts
Jan 05, 2011
10:33 AM
Janet and Joe Jackson in court today. 01/05/11
Click here for video

Last Edited by on Jan 05, 2011 10:34 AM

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