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Paranormal Message Board > My 9 year old says he sees ghosts
My 9 year old says he sees ghosts

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1 post
Jun 04, 2008
3:57 AM
Last night my 9 year old son was up most of the night saying he was seeing ghosts. He kept getting up saying he was seeing things on the floor. He went upstairs to his room and I heard him crying and screaming. When I ran up there and asked him what was wrong, he said that the ghosts wouldnt stop following him and wouldnt leave him alone. He was fighting with the ghost. I dont know what to do. This just started all of a sudden. What can I do?
1 post
Jun 07, 2008
12:35 AM

I was reading your post and would love to find out more about what your son has seen and if anyone else in your family has any of the same experiences. Please also let me know here you live and how long you have been in your current house. I appreciate any information you can provide!

I can be reached at erika_dobrin@yahoo.com



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