27 Jun 2005
Name: Dan
City: Camp Pendleton
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: 2004-2005
Approximate time: No idea
Where did you have this experience?: Other: Military Facility at Camp Pendleton
With whom did you come in contact?: Other: old man, woman, and child
In what area did this occur?: Other: various areas in building
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: yes
Moving furniture or lights?: yes
Knocking or other sounds?: yes
Please explain your experience: I work at a medical facility on Camp Pendleton. Many staff members and patients have had experiences at our facility. We have one ghost we call the old man. He likes to knock on walls, sneak up on staff and makes sounds like: clearing his throat, knock pictures off wall, and turn on/off lights. He was seen in one of our offices by a staff member. There are certain areas in the building where his presence is "felt". There are actually too many strange occurrences to list here. Two other ghosts have been reported, a lady and a child.