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12 May 2004

Name: Annette

City: Norfolk

State: NE

Date Experience Occurred: 10/25/03

Approximate time: 09:00pm

Where did you have this experience?: Pioneer cemetery

With whom did you come in contact?:  Cornelius Nye

In what area did this occur?: close to grave

Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: yes

Did you experience cold spots?: yes

Moving furniture or lights?: no

Knocking or other sounds?: no


Please explain your experience: I have had several experiences, but the one that is most recent and we captured on EMF and photographs were the night we wandered to an old pioneer cemetery. I had a paranormal investigator with me. He had the EMF meter and we walked around the grave of Cornelius Nye and got nothing so we decided to venture further into the cemetery. The investigator then handed me the EMF meter and as we were walking further in the EMF meter started clicking. The investigator told me I had company, so I turned around and the EMF meter went off. (Now remember we were just there and there was nothing) The activity seemed to be drawn to me and followed me. We decided to check the rest of the place out so I told it to wait there. The activity stopped. There was no other activity in the rest of the cemetery but when I got back to the place I told it to wait it started back up. We took a picture of his grave and got a great orb. When we decided to leave it was following me to the car so I told him to stay there and handed the investigator the EMF meter and poof the activity stopped. We went out the next day to see if there was a natural explanation. There was not. We decided to plant mums since he was so drawn to me. The activity started right where I told him to stay there the night before and again was around me. The EMF meter didn’t go off around me any other place. As I was planting mums there was no breeze and the sun was hot, suddenly I felt the whole left side of my body get ice cold. My daughter and her friend came over and they could feel a cool mist around my left arm. Thanks for letting me post my story.





google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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