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Spirit Channeling > Spirit Channel 05/27/03

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27 May 2003

Spirit Channeling

May 27, 2003




Welcome Dear Ones,


You are probably experiencing some anxiousness now.  Do you feel like you are right on the edge of something very different from what you have experienced before?  There is heaviness to the air you breathe.  Today is another shifting and aligning type of day.  You may have noticed that these days are becoming more frequent.  Time is speeding up even more.  Your days should be flying by.  Please don’t forget to take a look at your maps.  For those new to this concept we are referring to the inability to accomplish long term planning in this new energy.  The roadmap for your path of life is dynamic.  Instead of the usual map where the locations are fixed and the human navigates through these locations, in the new energy the human is the fixed location on the map and the map moves and changes as the human requires navigating to the next major step on the path.  You have many more options with this new energy.  If you have something you have always wanted to do, now is the time.  Creative energy flows very easily.  Step out of your usual comfort zone and try doing all those things you have always wanted to do.  Do not worry about what other people will say.  This is your journey and they have theirs.  For those that are working for someone else, it is time to access the situation.  Is you time well spent, or would there be a better place to expend your energy?  For those that have already been removed from the regular work situation, you have more immediate new choices to make.  Please start thinking about ways to earn a living while making a contribution to mankind on a larger scale.  To expend all your energy merely to collect a paycheck is a huge sacrifice to make.  You are also very vulnerable to the whims of others.  In this new energy there is no such thing as a permanent job.  If your employer does not operate his/her business with integrity it will eventually come to an end.  It is time to make your own way using the gifts and tools you brought with you into this life.     

Spirit/Bonnie Vent

google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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