The Psycho-Phone works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband plugged it in at the risk of electrocution I suspect, but the darn thing works! I wasn't here or I would have had a fit about him plugging it in but he said the motor was somewhat sluggish at first and then seemed to work fine. He does think it should need new "brushes" on it but that can easily be redone. It may only need cleaning. He also took the clock apart, I guess to see what it looked like, anyway he said the workings are very intricate, much like a good watch. Of course, as you already know, it keeps perfect time. He did say he saw somewhere in the clock that it said Made in USA Thought you'd be interested in knowing. Now all we have to do is maybe clean the motor and find a horn, then we'll see what this Psycho-Phone is all about!