25 Jan 2003
Welcome friends and guests, this is Jesse Shepard
I have heard people asking themselves if this is real. There is nothing more real than the art of communication. The universe cannot exist without it. Most of you who visit here are looking for answers to questions that you don’t even know how to express. It has become my purpose to try to make the unclear more clear. This is not an easy undertaking but since I have worked both side of this now I think I still have an idea what might be on your mind.
I encourage you to send your questions. Please do not be concerned that this process will be harmful in some way. I assure you it is just pure communication.
It occurs to me you might want to know more about my paranormal activities while on your side. I was very well known for my showmanship and I did take liberties with the truth on occasion. My dear friend Tonner would help me to augment my performances. It is what the people came to see and I didn’t want to disappoint them. The real thing is not as exciting as pretending. When I really channeled spirits the communication would be very slow and so often garbled. It seems to be much easier now. Rest assured I do play tricks from time to time but not on anything important.
From this side channeling is very different in that I have to use the mind of the person I am trying to communicate with. Their mind must be open and it helps if they have a good vocabulary. It also helps me to stay current with the language. When I was alive the expressions were of that time. By tapping into the current vocabulary I can communicate more effectively with you in your time.
When I wrote the book Psycho-phone Messages I was referring to myself as being much like a telephone to the other side. This is extremely difficult to prove with science. You are getting to the point now where this energy transference can be seen and examined. Much like a telephone I do not need to be in the room with you to communicate. This is what baffles paranormal investigators. A psychic will claim to hear a voice and the monitoring equipment shows nothing. Your ability to hear us is also limited. We all know now that tape recording devices are able to hear things the human ear cannot. We have the same urge to tell you how it is to be here as you have the urge to know. The problem is providing you something you can relate to. I’m sure you have all seen photographs of “Orbs”. This is what we are without our bodies. We can take the shape of anything we want, and travel anywhere we want by mere intention. This works on your side too, but having a physical body weighs you down. You are forced to take care of the mundane before the dream or intention. Others on your side are teaching the concept of setting intention to get you where you want to go. You do have to make stops along the way to fulfill your life contract. We do have jobs here but not to satisfy physical requirements. Our jobs are service oriented.
You are heading into another time of war. I have lived in wartime as well. I know how unsettled the world feels. It is a time a great transition and we are here to provide as much information as you can handle. Please let me know how I may be of service to you.
Jesse Shepard