Historian Richard Felix to appear for book-signing
Dec 10 2008
GHOST hunter Richard Felix is coming to Coventry this weekend to sign copies of his books and DVDs.
The former Most Haunted star, who says he has been haunted by ghosts since the age of four, rose to fame as Living TV’s Most Haunted historian. He verified facts and information supplied by the team.
Four years ago he embarked on the Ghost Tour of Britain, where he visited every county and recorded many haunted tales on DVD.
The success of the DVDs has led to them being published as books, with the West Midlands edition being one of the first in the series.
The book-signing will be at Waterstone’s in Cathedral Lanes, Broadgate, city centre, from noon on Saturday.
Phil Rush, events co-ordinator for Waterstone’s, said: “We’re really looking forward to having Richard in our branch on Saturday.
“There is so much interest in ghosts and the supernatural, and Richard’s books and DVDs are great ideas for Christmas gifts.”
For further details, e-mail Phil Rush on enquiries@coventry.waterstones.com